Dan and I stopped by over the weekend and saw that they had finished digging and that they had started prepping for the footers. It was pretty dark, freezing cold and muddy, so not an ideal time to take pics, but I did get one of Dan standing in the future garage.

I stopped by on Sunday to check everything out in the daylight. I've read that sometimes it seems like the hole/footers look small compared to the actual size people expect, but I thought our hole looked huge. We'll see what it looks like once the foundation is completed.

Speaking of foundation...I stopped by this afternoon and they had just started working on it. I talked to one of the workers for a minute and he said they poured the footers yesterday and should have the foundation finished this week (we're supposed to have good weather until next Tuesday). He also confirmed that our wood was delivered (it wasn't there on Sunday).

There it is, the wood for our house! It's sitting behind our neighbor's lot because the other neighbor's wood is behind ours (they were working on their plumbing today so framing should start soon for them). I need to remember to keep a pair of flats in the car so that I can walk onto the lot and take some close-up pictures.
It's crazy to think about the progress that has been made since this summer. The lots on our street were released for sale at the end of June. This picture is from the 3rd week of August, right before our street was paved.

And now, approximately 10 weeks later our street looks like this!

5 houses completely framed, 2 with framing in progress and 2 or 3 with foundations started.
I'm really bad with being able to tell what model the houses are but I think there is a Naples and 2 Venices in the culdesac, then another Venice at the top of the street on the right and a Florence 2 doors down from us (middle of the street, left side).

There's a little party at the model this weekend, I can't wait to finally meet some of our neighbors (we met one couple back in August- from the Florence 2 doors down).